How do I know what size bike to order?
We size all our bikes via inside leg. Once you measure you child’s inside leg, you can compare this to the recommended minimum measurement found on each bike. For balance bikes we recommend that your child can easily place both feet flat to the floor with a slight bend to the knee while seated. For 14" first pedal bikes, the seat height should allow your child to easily touch the ground while they are gaining confidence. If you’re in between sizes, it is up to your discretion, depending on how confident your child is.
Can I return my bike if I don't like it or it doesn't fit well?
It's easiest all round of you make sure the bike you are buying is the right fit for your child before you order. Ask if you are unsure, bikes are large items to ship so sending one back is expensive. Of course, if the bike is the wrong size when you receive it or you've changed your mind and you want to return it you must let us know within 14 days of receipt. You must return it in its original packing within 30 days. Shipping is at your own cost but we can always help with the return and deduct the shipping cost from your refund. In all instances please contact us first.
My steering restrictor has snapped.
Our steering restrictors are designed to break as a safety feature. If the bike falls and lands on its side, the restrictor will break, preventing the handlebar from staying prone and potentially causing an issue if the bar is in the upright position when it falls.We suggest they only really need to be used for the first few months then we'd rather they weren't used once your child has the hang of steering.
How long is the guarantee on your bikes?
Please view our warranty policy here.
Can I attach a kickstand to an Early Rider Bike?
We've designed a kickstand that fits our 14" and 16" bikes - both the Seeker and the Belter. You can find it here, our larger bikes will take an aftermarket stand - speak to your local bike store for advice.
Can I attach mudguards to an Early Rider bike?
Some of our bikes will take an aftermarket mudguard, take advice from your local bike store to see which is best.
Can I attach a bell to an Early Rider bike?
All our aluminium bikes come with a standard size 22.2mm handlebar. Any bell that fits this size handlebar is compatible with our aluminium ranges. If you have any further queries, your local bike store will be able to assist you further.